There are No “OOP’S” Just Opportunities With Our God!

As our heavenly Father does quite often, God has been reminding me of things that I thought I had already learned some time ago.  Surely, I am not the only one that He has to keep reminding of His truths found in His Word.  “The steps of a good person are ordered by the Lord: and they delight in His way.” Psalm 37:23

A few months ago, I was confronted with an opportunity to re-learn this truth.  As would happen, Jon and I came home from a ministry trip and the TV, the home phone, and internet were not working.  Being very perturbed, I called the company that provides our service and told them that they needed to get that fixed ASAP.  As the service man came to get the problem fixed, it was as though the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “now that you have a captive audience, tell him about My love.”  So I shared with him God’s love, gave a gospel tract, and thanked him for listening.  Suddenly it dawned on me that the scripture that says, “Give thanks in all things,” was finding its way in my heart in a very practical way.  I look on break downs and broken stuff differently now.

Several weeks ago, I once again had the opportunity to experience this truth.  In the middle of a seminar I was teaching at a women’s retreat, my cell phone rang.  It was the airlines calling to let me know that my flight home was cancelled.  At first, I was irritated; then was reminded by the Lord that my steps are all planned.  So I really began to get excited to see what God had planned for me at the airport. While waiting to possibly get a later flight, I sat next to a lady who was heart sick over a major hurt that the family was having with their teenager. She needed a listening ear and an encouraging   word. I was able to remind her of God’s love for the teen and her, also committed to pray for them both over the next weeks. I got an email from her the other day, saying there had been a definite change taking place in their family and thanked me for praying. 

With our heavenly Father there are no “oops” just opportunities.  Lord, help me to not be perturbed when things happen to disturb my day, but instead be excited for what You have in mind.



Awesome News from RefreshHer Retreats!

Believer’s Fellowship has been hosting Ladies’ RefreshHer Retreats annually for the past 18 years.  Phyllis has been our most requested guest speaker.  Each time she has come with a fresh Word, inspired and humbly led by the Holy Spirit. She has a passion for teaching and mentoring women to have a closer walk with our Savior.

Her messages are prayed over and delivered boldly without compromise.  Even in this, she is loved by our ladies for several reasons.  She has a way of explaining the Word and bringing life to it.  She interacts and ministers to the women individually as well. At one retreat, Phyllis sat on the sofa reading a book out loud to women who sat around her late into the evening.  She makes herself available to the women at all times.  It is not at all unusual to see her talking or praying with a woman during free time or late into the evening after most others have gone to bed.

Following are some comments from the ladies attending the retreat in 2013, “ Living Kingdom Life.”

“Phyllis is amazing and God speaks to me when she speaks.”

“She helped me understand the difference between the law of the Word and loving people.”

“Phyllis is a great speaker.  Very heart changing!”

“I brought a friend that was in pain and having issues and Phyllis personally ministered to her.”

“I am challenged in the Word every day.”

When asked what lesson was learned personally:

“To give up my treasures so that He (God) can take care of them.”

“To yield my treasures to God and let Him take care of them! Yes Them!

“Placing my family “Treasure” in God’s care instead of having to carry the burden of care and safety    


“Renewed my spirit and refreshed my soul.”

“Helped me find more grace.”

“Makes me want to read the Bible and know it.”

“Made me take a closer look at my relationship with Christ.”

As Woman’s coordinator of Believer’s Fellowship, I highly recommend Phyllis.  I personally leave broken, inspired and highly encouraged to continue on in the ministry and for the Lord.  Her love for her husband, her family and most of all for her Lord Jesus Christ is evident!

Trusting Jesus with you,

Rebecca Stricklin

Women’s Ministry Coordinator

Believer’s Fellowship –Spring/Magnolia, TX.

Report from Itasca Spiritual Awakening Conference

The Central Baptist Church of Itasca, Texas was blessed to have Jon and Phyllis Moore lead us in a Spiritual Awakening Conference this Spring of 2013. The format that separated the men and women through the evening sessions and culminated in a testimony time on Wednesday night was very effective. Many types of decisions, including three for salvation, came from the conference, but over all, our church has committed to becoming a “house of prayer.” We truly expect lasting results from these days.

Larry Maddox, Pastor

Pastor of FBC Stering City reports after JMEA Conference

We could not have been more pleased with the results of our Spiritual Awakening Conference with Jon & Phyllis Moore earlier this month.  Our folks were challenged to get real in their walk with the Lord.  Jon’s penetrating style of preaching and ministry really hit home with our blue-collar and retired men.  The ladies were especially blessed!  We’ve waited for two years to see our ladies get to the point they were hungry enough to participate in a weeknight Bible study.  That will start in early May with over a dozen ladies committed! And with the “oil field” boom in our county, we are now poised for a growth spurt in our church.  Jon and Phyllis were the right folks for the right church at the right time.  We were ‘right pleased’ with how the Lord ministered to us through them.

Pastor David Hartwig,

First Baptist Church

Sterling City, Texas

Pastor recommendation for JMEA

Tony Watson

Pastor – First Baptist Church of Winona

Moderator – GETBA


To all : GETBA Pastors


I wanted to send you a quick note and a recommendation for your church. Last week, we had a Spiritual Awakening Conference, led by Jon and Phyllis Moore. While it was a revival-type emphasis, it was not your father’s revival. During the evening services, after the music time, Bro. Jon taught the men and his wife Phyllis taught the ladies on some challenges from the Word of God. On Wednesday, the final night, we came back together and had an old-fashioned testimony service.

As a Pastor, you are always “evaluating”. During the week I got several pieces of encouraging feedback from both men and women. However, I was still unsure of how the testimony service would go. Oh me and my lack of faith! Almost as soon as Bro.Jon extended the opportunity, a 50 year old man stepped forward to the mic to confess that after being a church youth minister at another church for years and leaving that ministry, that he rationalized that it was ok to start drinking again with his sons and friends and he shared that with God’s help, he was turning aside from that. I began to weep as I knew of this man’s struggle from when he had shared it with me previously. From there, people confessed anger issues, forgiveness issues, lack of spiritual focus issues. One by one, 13 men and women bared their souls and, in turn, were prayed for by a member of the congregation. It was the most powerful service I’ve been a part of since coming to Winona almost 5 years ago.


I would encourage you to consider schedule a Spiritual Awakening Conference with Jon and Phyllis Moore. Along with Jon having almost 40 years of experience in preaching revivals and leading conferences, his wife Phyllis spent over a decade partnering with Barbara O’Chester doing ladies conferences and retreats all over the USA.


Thank you Tony Watson!

Jon and Phyllis Moore


Pastors and Church Leaders read the good news!

Dear Brothers in the Ministry,

I believe that all of us desire to see a movement of renewal and revival in our churches. Let me take a few moments of your time to tell you about Jon Moore, a man whom God is using to bring a powerful message of renewal and revival in the church.

Jon Moore was a pharmacist who owned his own pharmacy when the Lord placed His calling on his life to preach. He was pastor of a small church while earning his Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Theological Seminary. The “Jesus Movement,” the “Asbury revival,” and his association with Manley Beasley, a prominent revivalist, were all used by the Lord to influence his life. That impact was deepened when the family moved to Euless, Texas and joined First Baptist Church Euless when Dr. Jimmy Draper was pastor. But it was Jon’s own experience of revival during that time that had the deepest impact on his life and ministry.

Jon is a revivalist. Revival by definition happens to someone who is already a Christian, but whose spiritual life is in decline. God has given Jon unique gifts that enable him to communicate the life – changing Word of God in a way that connects with our modern culture. He has helped men and women from all walks of life to deepen their love for Christ and His Word.

This past November, we had Bro. Jon come and lead our Renewal Week@Portland Avenue on a Sunday morning through Wednesday night. My desire in hosting this meeting was that the church might experience some powerful days of renewal. We used a format for this meeting at Jon’s suggestion that worked very well in our setting. Jon preached Sunday morning and then Sunday night through Tuesday evening the men stayed with Bro. Jon and the women went to our Fellowship Hall where Phyllis, Jon’s wife, taught them. It was a powerful way for Jon and Phyllis to focus on specific issues related to men and women. At our final service on Wednesday night, Jon led the entire group through a powerful testimony time. In fact, it was the best testimony service I can remember in my twenty years as pastor of the church. Our church continues to ride the wave of renewal week.

If you are giving some thought about scheduling a meeting that focuses on renewal and revival, then let me highly recommend Jon Moore and his wife, Phyllis. Thanks for your time and please feel free to call me if you would like to know more or have any questions.



Dr. Walter L. Mullican
Portland Avenue Baptist Church
1301 N Portland Avenue
Oklahoma City OK 73017


Jon Moore Evangelistic Association

Cell (817)602-0406

Jesus Loves Me!

As I sat with my grandson several years ago, I was singing this old familiar song, Jesus Loves Me.   I have sung that song so many times to all my grandchildren, as well as my own children when they were young.  It is a simple tune and has easy words, but the impact of this song has a powerful truth.  This song has been sung by children and parents all around the world.

Anna Warner wrote these words in 1860.  It was written for a man who was comforting a dying child.  William Bradbury set the words to music in 1861.

“Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so; little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He is strong.  Yes, Jesus loves me!  Yes, Jesus loves me!  Yes, Jesus loves me!  The Bible tells me so.”

What an awesome truth.  It would do us adults good to sing that song often and be reminded of the incredible love of God toward us.  Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  Romans 8:35-39 “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  Shall tribulation or distress, persecution or famine, nakedness, peril or sword?  For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor anything present, nor things to come, nor height, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Jesus loves you!!  Do you know this powerful truth?  I mean in the very depth of your soul, do you really know?






Overcoming Fear!

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Every time we turn on the TV, radio, or read the newspaper there is more alarming news.  There is so much going on in the world today to cause fear and worry. Fear of failure, fear of the future, loss of jobs, loneliness, overwhelming debt, and so on, and so on we could go.  However, the Word of God says not to fear.  The Bible says not to let your heart be anxious.  Fear is a real emotion, but God gave us our emotions and with that gift, I believe, He can control them by the power of the Holy Spirit.  This is certainly not to say that He doesn’t use doctors, but truly God is the great Deliverer.

Given that every believer is alive in Christ and our souls are in union with the Father, why do we struggle with anxiety and fear?  In his book, “Freedom from Fear,” Neil Anderson states that the answer is two fold. “First, in a positive way, a certain amount of fear is essential for our safety and survival. Secondly, in a negative sense, our minds are programed to live without God.  Everything that we have learned before we became Christians is still in our memory bank, and there is no DELETE button.” The worry-some problems are everywhere and constantly assaulting our mind.   That is why Paul said in Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (By replacing what is of the old life with what is of your new life in Christ.)

Renew your mind in the truth of Bible scriptures and remind yourself that the God of this universe is your Father.  He created all things and in Him all thing consist.  God is covenant keeping and knows the end from the beginning.  The Lord is our Peace, our Counselor, and He is the Lord that will provide.  Ask Him to show you Himself as your “Strong Tower” in which you can run when fear assaults your mind and heart. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I now give you; not as the world gives do I give you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27




Proverbs 73:23 “Nevertheless, I am continually with Thee.”

When I first read that verse I misread it and said to my self, “the Lord is always with us.”  As I read it again, I realized that was not the way it read.  David had come to the place where he really “knew” deep in his being that in every situation he was continually with the Lord.  He did realize his own failing, but by a glorious outburst of faith, he sings, “nevertheless I am continually with Thee.”  To live in the victory that Jesus has provided us in salvation, we also must by faith “know” (that deep revelation from God revealed to our inward parts) that we are continually with Christ.

We face so many trials and obstacles in life on this earth that sometimes we have to keep reminding ourselves as David did.  “Nevertheless, I am continually with Thee.” Since I belong to Christ, I am continually with God.  I am continually on His mind, He is always thinking of me for my good.  The eye of the Lord never sleeps, but is perpetually watching over my welfare.

As life brings the hard times,  as we are tempted to think that we are so far away from our heavenly Father’s presence, remember this verse: “Nevertheless, I am continually with Thee.” Rest in that truth that if we have received His Son, Jesus as our Lord and Savior, God is continually with us,  but we are also continually with Him.




Does God Love Me?

When the Bible says that God loves the world, it means He loves people, all people!  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”  (John3:16)

Believe in Jesus Christ!

There is more than one way to reject God’s offer of love.  You can choose not to believe (trust) in Jesus Christ, the son of God, or you can passively ignore Him.  The end result is still the same, which is rejecting God’s love and living under the wrath of God!  “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life, and he who does not believe the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides in him.”  (John 3:36)

This includes you!

It is clear that God says no one is exempt from the sin of rejecting His love. “There is none who seeks for God…For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  (Romans 3:11,23)


Not only is what you have done wrong, but what you are is wrong!  You commit sins, and you are a sinner.  You need forgiveness for what you do (sin), and changed from what you are (a sinner).  “For everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.”  (John 8:34)

God’s Love!

God did not just say He loves you, He proved His love by sending His only Son to pay your sin debt! “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  (Romans 5:8)

Jesus died for you!

If Jesus had sinned only once, His death on the Cross would have been in payment for His own sin, but the Bible says He was sinless.  Because He was sinless, He could die as your (sinful man’s) substitute.  “He (God) made Him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become righteousness of God in Him.”  (II Corinthians 5:21)

Believe in Christ!

Before a gift can be yours, you must receive it.  Before you can receive God’s gift of eternal life, you must change your heart (repent).  Up until now you have not believed (trusted) in Jesus Christ for forgiveness and eternal life.  Now, in order to receive you must believe (trust) in Christ!  “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  (Romans 6:23)

Give it up!

You must confess that Jesus is Lord and has authority over your life, that he died on the Cross to forgive your sins and set you free from sin’s slavery, and that he rose from the dead to give you new (eternal) life!  “…if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation…for whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.”  (Romans 10:9,10,13)

Become a Christ-follower today, and open your heart to a life only God can give!  To commit your life to Jesus Christ, you can pray a prayer something along these lines:

Dear God,

I am admitting I am messed up (a sinner), and I need forgiveness and a new life in Christ.  I believe you sent Jesus to die for my mistakes (sins), so that I could spend eternity with you in Heaven.  I turn from my sin, and surrender to your control.  Lord Jesus, I trust you as my Savior, and I receive your forgiveness and eternal life.  I commit myself to be a Christ-follower forever.  Thank you for loving me so much!  You are an awesome God!

Tell someone what God has done for you!


Jon and Phyllis Moore