I am sure that you have heard of “the bad news bears.” Nowadays seems all we hear is, “doom and gloom.” Guess what? I have some “good news!” God almighty is still in control. He delights in showing Himself strong and in control in seemingly out of control, bad situations.
Exodus: God’s children were in Egyptian captivity with no deliverer, an impossible situation? …GOOD NEWS, God through Moses delivered them, parted the red sea so that they walked on dry land to cross over to safety and provided every provision that they would need on their journey.
Daniel 6: Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den with no way out, impossible situation?….GOOD NEWS, God stopped the mouths of the lions and saved Daniel. The Savior saved His servant.
Matthew 1: Jesus was born of a virgin, impossible?…GOOD NEWS, all things are possible with God.
Matthew 14: When there were no provisions, with five thousand hungry men, plus women and children and only 5 small loaves and 2 fish with which to feed them, that’s impossible?…..GOOD NEWS. Jesus multiplied the fish and bread, then all were fed with 12 baskets left over.
Luke 24:6: Jesus was crucified and in the grave for 3 days, an impossible situation? …GOOD NEWS, “Up from the grave Jesus arose,” and God raised Him from the grave so that we could experience salvation and have new life with God eternally!
I could go on and on. I think the problem is that we have been reading and listening to the wrong source (the boob tube, the social media mess).
As children we sang the little song, “The B I B L E is the book is for me.” Let us get back to the book that has all of God’s promises, of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Now that is GOOD NEWS folks!!!