Job 42:5-6, “My ears have heard of You, but now my eyes have seen You. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” Until we truly see our need, we have no hope to see the glory of God. It is God’s nature to bless. He wants to bless His children in a Spiritual cleansing and refreshing. Are we willing to prepare the way of the Lord, by prayer, fasting, and repentance?
Another story of God moving in revival in American history.
Charles Finney was greatly used of God to spread the revival fires in central New York in 1825. On a Thursday night the Lord brought much brokenness to the leaders in the church where he was preaching. God gave Finney a burden of prayer, and on Sunday, God suddenly came down in power. The people had begun to weep and sigh uncontrollably. God gripped the people with such Holy Spirit conviction that Finney led in prayer in a low unemotional voice to restrain the people. Their sighing and weeping continued as they went home. Everyone that came into that town felt a sense of God’s presence. The town was full of praying.
One story is told of Finney when he was invited to tour a large cotton mill. He entered one large room where the girls were at the looms laughing. As he walked toward the work area, one of the girls looked into Finney’s eyes and the loom stopped and the girl started to tremble. One after another all the girls began to weep. Finney had not said a word. Oh, what glory when God’s presence changes not only the atmosphere, but all the people in it.
Some parts taken from ”Revival Fires,” by Wesley Duewel