A Wonderful Life

“ I came that they might have life and might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10b
Here it is Christmas time again. As one gets older this time of the year seems to come faster and faster. I start tuning the radio to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies the day after Thanksgiving. One of the movies that I always have to watch is; “It’s a Wonderful Life.” My most favorite part is when Clarence, the angel sent from heaven to show George, who feels like a total failure, that he did have meaning and purpose. I think it reminds me that some 2000 years ago God sent His only Son, Jesus, who came to earth to let us know that we too can have purpose and meaning by accepting Him as our personal Savior and have a life more abundant, a wonderful life.
The word “life” in John 10:10b means in the original language, “Zoe” God’s Life. The word abundant means, enough.
So the Bible says that the life that we receive when we accept Jesus as our Savior is always going to be “enough.”
Enough when we are separated from God by sin. “For God so loved the world (you and me) that He sent His only Son that who so ever believes in Jesus shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16; “Zoe Life!” God the Father did the first surgical implant by placing the Life of His Son in our heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amazing!!!
God’s Life is “enough” when bad things happen to good people. When that doctor’s report, “it is cancer.” When the phone rings, “your loved one has been in a fatal car accident.” There are so many more, loss of job, depression, wayward children and the list goes on. God in His word says that Zoe life is enough. John 14:27 “My peace I give you.” Psalm 46:1 “God is my help in time of trouble.” 2 Chronicles 16:9 “The eyes of the Lord are searching to and fro throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those whose hearts are completely His.”
Oh my friend, I want to share this truth not only from the Word of God, but from personal experience that with Jesus as your Savior, He is enough for you to experience a Wonderful Life, His Zoe Life.
