Now that I am getting older, I am learning more about what really matters in life. There is a story told by Janice Hune, an associate professor at Kansas State. She said that she was using obituaries as a little window to look at cultural values. She discovered obituaries of the 19th century focused on the deceased’s character while in the 20th century it centered on their financial worth and work.
A life well lived has some qualities that are unmistakable. It is a life of significance declared by God Himself in His word. That life has a significant purpose, to “tell” the great works of God. Psalms 71:18 “When I am old and grey headed, oh God forsake me not until I have declared Your mighty strength to all generations.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your being. You shall teach these things (what things?) the wonders of God to your children and grandchildren. You shall talk of them when you are in your house, walking by the way, lying down and rising up.” Then, “trust” in the Lord. Psalms 31:14 “Trust in the Lord and rely confidently in Him.” Psalms 28:7, “The Lord is my Strength and Shield; my heart has learned to trust in Him.” Then a significant life has learned what the word “toil” really means. When I am feeling unworthy because I am unable to work in the Lord’s fields because of age, sickness, weaknesses, etc. we must remember what our Lord said when the disciples ask Him, “What are we to do, that we may habitually work the works of God? Jesus replied, “This is the work of God that you believe in Jesus Whom the Father has sent you.”
Keep telling, keep trusting, and keep toiling in believing prayer! You are one of the Lord’s most precious significant ones. Our God has declared it!!!!!