Proverbs 73:23 “Nevertheless, I am continually with Thee.”
When I first read that verse I misread it and said to my self, “the Lord is always with us.” As I read it again, I realized that was not the way it read. David had come to the place where he really “knew” deep in his being that in every situation he was continually with the Lord. He did realize his own failing, but by a glorious outburst of faith, he sings, “nevertheless I am continually with Thee.” To live in the victory that Jesus has provided us in salvation, we also must by faith “know” (that deep revelation from God revealed to our inward parts) that we are continually with Christ.
We face so many trials and obstacles in life on this earth that sometimes we have to keep reminding ourselves as David did. “Nevertheless, I am continually with Thee.” Since I belong to Christ, I am continually with God. I am continually on His mind, He is always thinking of me for my good. The eye of the Lord never sleeps, but is perpetually watching over my welfare.
As life brings the hard times, as we are tempted to think that we are so far away from our heavenly Father’s presence, remember this verse: “Nevertheless, I am continually with Thee.” Rest in that truth that if we have received His Son, Jesus as our Lord and Savior, God is continually with us, but we are also continually with Him.
A good word for all times, good or bad. Thanks for your faithful ministry.