What is Missing?

As I have been reading about the great revivals of God in the earlier days of this country and around the world. I hear many say, oh how we need revival! We need a mighty move of God across this land. The world and our nation are morally decaying. I would like to share in part a few stories that I have read from, “Revival Fires” by Wesley Duewel. What is different today than in those days of Spiritual Awakenings? What is missing today?

Charles Finney was greatly used of God in 1825 to spread the fires of revival to central New York. On a Thursday night the Lord brought much brokenness in the leadership of the church where he was preaching. It was on Sunday that God gave Finney a “burden of prayer.” The power of the Holy Spirit was so powerful that the people were gripped with conviction that they could not contain their emotions. Everyone that came into that town felt the overwhelming sense of God’s presence. The town was FULL of praying. As one would walk around town the sound of praying was everywhere. Finney lists the striking characteristics of the great moving of God and number one on his list was prevailing prayer. According to the Boston Recorder in the 4 months of 1831, 362 places experienced revivals. It was a day of prevailing prayer.

In 1898 while visiting the Keswick convention a Hindu woman named Pandita Ramabai, who had been converted pled with the 4,000 that attended to pray for a Spiritual movement in India like in America. She was at the time caring for some 2,000 girls in Bombay. For several months’ “prayer continued,” and 1200 girls accepted Christ as their Savior. Later another 600 were saved. Pandita started a prayer circle of 10 girls to pray for the salvation of others. That began to spread and encompass many other groups, and many were saved.

A man called, Rev. John Hyde in 1852 began to pray for revival. It was 12 years before he was granted his prayers. He would spend whole nights praying. Hyde became known as the “wrestler with God, a prince prevailing.”

As I read these and other accounts of the great awakenings of old, a couple of things stand out to me about them. God had given them the “burden of prayer.” It seems to me that we are asking for revival without asking for the “burden” (carrying a load, heavy laden, burdensome) to pray. God is the initiator. We cannot even pray without God impowering us. The second thing I noticed, it was months and even many years before God chose to answer their requests. We live in such a microwave society, our expectations are, “I want it yesterday.” We need to ask ourselves, are we willing to ask for the “burden” (carry the heavy load that will cost us time and energy). Are we willing to continue until God chooses to pour out His power on this land and receive the glory that is due Him. Each one must answer that question for themselves.





“Now the Lord saw, and it was displeasing in His sight that there was no justice!  He saw that there was no man, and was astonished that there was no one to intercede…”  Isaiah 59:16a 

The great old founder of Methodism, John Wesley said it well, “Prayer is the fuel that runs the engine that drives revival.”  In this day where there seems to be an abundance of those who point out the need for revival, there is a glaring absence of those who are willing to pay the price to pray down revival!  

Last year (February, 2021) we looked at the prophet Isaiah’s prayer for revival in chapter 64.  Today, I want to take a closer look at that passage, especially at the urgent tone the words suggest. 

“Behold, You were angry, for we sinned.  We continued in them for a long time…All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment, and all of us wither like a leaf, and our iniquities like the wind take us away…  There is no one who arouses himself to take hold of You!  Isaiah 64:5b-7a 

Years ago, a wise person advised me from time to time to close the door to my office and pray the prayer of the Psalmist in 139:23,24.  Then ask the Lord to search ME and know MY heart; Try ME and know MY thoughts; and see if there be any wicked (grievous) way in ME, and lead ME in the way everlasting!  I have become increasingly more convinced that the one Christlike quality that is most lacking in those of us who profess today to be Christians is brokenness!  

Listen to Isaiah again concerning the Lord, “I dwell on a high and holy place, and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.”  57:15b 

Oh, that God in His mercy would once again restore the spirit of brokenness among His people.  That each of us would cease blaming other things, or other people for our un-Christlike behavior.  That we would follow the example of Isaiah and go to the Lord (Who is the ONLY ONE who can truly restore and revive)! 

“But NOW, O Lord, You are our Father.  We are the clay and You are our potter; and all of us are the work of your hand.  Do not be angry beyond measure, O Lord, nor remember iniquity forever; Behold, look now, all of us are Your people!”  64:8,9 

Is it possible that these are the missing ingredients today in our discussions about the desperate need for the reviving touch of God.  Is it a matter of our failure to humble ourselves before the Lord and ask for His mercy and grace?  Let’s join together in brokenness and begging the Lord in prayer and see for ourselves! 

Jon Moore



To continue with Ezekiel 37, I will do a very short review of the devotional I shared in DRY BONES part 1. You can scroll to the July devotional and read it to get the full context of the passage.

In the book of Ezekiel, we read that the children of Israel had been taken into Babylonian captivity. God had chosen Ezekiel as a prophet to call the nation to repentance, and that judgement had come upon the nation due to the sinfulness prevailing in Jerusalem. The first half of the book is pronouncing judgement. However, after the word reached Babylon that Jerusalem had been destroyed, Ezekiel began to proclaim a new message from the Lord, a message of hope and restoration!

Ezekiel 37:1-6 The Lord has Ezekiel sit down in the middle of a valley filled with DRY SUNBLEACHED HUMAN BONES. The Lord asks him, “Son of man, can these bones live?” “Oh Lord You know.” Let’s be real, how many times we are faced with that same question about our loved ones, our country, or even our own lives. Will things get any different? Can these bones live? God says, “I WILL,” three different times in verses 1-6 to remind Ezekiel and the dry bones that He is the Lord (the Sovereign Ruler). A good reminder to us as well.

As we continue in the passage for today’s devotional. In verse 7, we see the power of God to do what He says He will do. So, Ezekiel prophesied and there was a great thundering and behold a shaking, a trembling, and a rattling as the bones came together. Oh my, what it must have been like seeing and hearing that happen!

Verse 8… I looked, and behold, it was done, but no breath or spirit was in them, however. They had form, but no LIFE.

Verse 9…Prophesy to the breath and spirit and say, Thus, says the Lord “come from the 4 winds, Oh Spirit and breathe, and these bones will live.”

This is what the bones said, “We are all dried up and all hope is lost.” Once again, how many times have we been guilty of saying that about unanswered prayers?

Verse 10…So I prophesied as God commanded me, and THE BREATH AND THE SPIRIT CAME INTO THESE BONES, AND THEY LIVED, and stood up upon their feet, a great army.

That says to me that our Heavenly Father has the POWER and PROVISION that is needed in every situation in our lives and our loved ones. We are also reminded in this passage that we all must have the breath and the Spirit to truly have LIFE.

Isaiah 46:11 “Yes, I have spoken, I have planned it, and I will bring it to pass.”




“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3b) “Unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.  That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” (John 3:5b,6) “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Through the ages men have sought to establish standards for entrance into God’s kingdom.  A Jewish official named Nicodemus seemed qualified by race, religion and reputation, but Jesus Christ laid down the one qualification the Lord requires (v 3b), and Nicodemus did not qualify!  As the reigning King of the Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ demands two births! The fact the Lord made the qualification known to one respected by his community emphasized there are no exceptions!  This is not a recommendation, but a requirement!

After demanding two births, Jesus went on to describe both births in verses 4 and 5.  One is a birth of water, and the other is a birth of the Spirit (v 5).  A couple readily recognizes that a fleshly birth is near when the expectant mother’s “water breaks”.  Likewise, when Jesus uses the phrase “born again” (v 3), the alternate translation for “again” is “from above”!  Just as no one ever lived physically without being born physically, the same is true spiritually! 

Next in His conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus defines the two lives that come about as the result of the two births (v 6).  Quite simply, a physical birth results in a physical life (6a), and a spiritual birth results in a spiritual life (6b).  The Lord uses the wind as a great analogy to clarify His meaning (v 8)).  The Greek word translated ‘wind’ can either be translated ‘wind, breath or spirit’!  Just as the wind is not seen (although it’s effects can be seen), so the inner work of the Spirit can’t be seen with the human eye, but the outer difference can be observed.  Only the life that is spiritual in its origin can be spiritual in its operation and effectiveness!

Only the King of the Kingdom of God may determine the qualification for entrance into His Kingdom, and Jesus does that in his conversation with Nicodemus.  Early in that conversation (v 3) Jesus said, one must be “born again!”  So the question becomes, “How?”  Later (v 16), Jesus said, “Whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life!”  There are four Greek words in the New Testament translated “believe”.  They mean, “To trust in; To cling to; To rely on.”  If you will “trust in” what He has done for you: “Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6  If you will “cling to” who He is in you: “Christ in you, the Hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27  If you will rely on what He has said to you: “I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:3.  Have you been “born again?”  If not, trust in Christ, cling to Him and rely on Him today and every day!

Jon Moore

THE DRY BONES! ( Part 1 )

Have you ever asked yourself, “will things ever change in that person’s life?  I have prayed and prayed, but I never see any difference.”  Have you ever said that? Of course, we all have, or if we have not said as much, surely thought those concerns. Maybe it is not others that concern us, but it’s our own lives that are all dried up. Can things ever change for them or for me?

In the book of Ezekiel, we read that the children of Israel had been taken into Babylonian captivity. God had chosen Ezekiel as a prophet to call the nation to repentance and that judgement had come upon the nation due to the sinfulness prevailing in Jerusalem.  The first half of the book is pronouncing judgement, however after the word reached Babylon that Jerusalem had been destroyed, Ezekiel began to proclaim a new message from the Lord. A message of hope and restoration!

Ezekiel 37:1-14 The Lord has Ezekiel sit down in the middle of a valley filled with DRY SUNBLEACHED HUMAN BONES. The Lord asks him, “Son of man, can these bones live?” “Oh Lord You know.” Let’s be real, how many times we are faced with that same question about our loved ones, our country, or even our own lives. Can these bones live?

Verse 4: Ezekiel prophesy to the dry bones, “Oh you, dry bones, hear the WORD of the Lord.”

Verse 5: Thus says the Lord God to the dry bones, “I WILL cause breath and spirit to enter you and you shall live.”

Verse 6: “And I WILL lay sinews upon you and bring up flesh up on you and cover you with skin.   I WILL put breath and spirit in you, and you, dry bones will live. I AM THE LORD SOVEREIGN RULER.”

Verse 7: So, Ezekiel prophesied and there was a thundering noise and behold, a shaking, a trembling and a rattling as the bones came together. Wow! (That would scare the bejabbers out of me, how about you?) Be real now.

The thing that spoke to me in these first few verses of chapter 37 is how many times God said, “I WILL!” Many times, we feel the need to manipulate the situation or try again to change others, or even we try in our own strength to change ourselves.  If we would remember only the Lord can make DRY BONES live!

 We will end part 1 of this devotional with the challenge to read over and over the “I WILL” that God speaks in His Word. It is surely a message of HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT to us. Look for Ezekiel 37 part 2 of THE DRY BONES in September.




“As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, O God.  My soul thirsts for God, for the living God…”  Psalm 42:1,2a 

“Then Isaac dug again the wells of water which had been dug in the days of his father, Abraham, for the Philistines had stopped them up…”  Genesis 26:18

Many identify with the psalmist, thirsting to see the reality of God today!  Some have changed churches seeking.  Others have left local churches entirely.  It is an often-used Biblical analogy, the ongoing need for water to sustain life!  The old-testament man Isaac needed water for his household and herds (Genesis 26:12-25), and his need tells a spiritual story of this generation’s desperate need as well!  The need for “living” water is there, but the question is, is there a thirst?  And if so, how is it being attempted to quench?

The old wells of blessings had been covered (Gen 26:18a,b).  Note one of the meanings of the term Philistines=“Rolled with dust!”  Even though the origin of Isaac’s blessings was the Lord (Gen 26:12-14a), the occasion caused bitterness (Gen 26:14b-15).  Just as in ancient days, an over-emphasis on earthly life diverts attention away from preparing for eternal Life!  It reminds me of a comment and question an old minister asked a younger man, “You are going to be in eternity a whole lot longer than you are going to be on earth!  Which side of the grave are you giving the most attention?”

The old wells of blessing could be uncovered-(Gen 26:18a).  This is the history of revival through the ages!  Born again believers in Christ eventually have the thirst for the Person and power of God after an extended absence!  Yet, it requires effort of both time and energy to seek the Lord (vv18-22a), and it will almost certainly result in contention with the devil himself, or through some of his henchmen (vv20-21).  It is true that things truly worth having are worth the energy it takes to have them.  As far as the business world is concerned, research reveals that 80% of all new sales are closed on the fifth sales call.  The same research shows that only 10% of all salespeople make more than three sales calls!

New wells of blessing needed to be discovered (v22).  This required a new position(v22a).  As Isaac left the land of dust, he dug a new well he called Rehoboth!  Rehoboth means “open spaces”, and along with re-opening the old wells of blessing, we need to delve into the “new” wells of different cultures, different ethnicities and different generations!  Not just establishing new works of this or that ethnicity, but new works of mixed ethnicities!  New works of not just the “now generation”, but works of “all generations”!  Can that be successful?  Keep this always in mind, new challenges are simply new opportunities to trust the Lord and see what He can do!


Jon Moore]

The Red Robins

“Consider the birds – do you think they worry about their existence? They don’t plant or reap or store up food, yet your heavenly Father provides them each with food. Are you not more valuable than they?”

Mathew 6:26

On this beautiful spring evening, as I was sitting on our patio, I noticed two Red Robin hopping in the grass.  They began to peck at the ground and started eating a worm.  After they finished eating, they both flew up onto the bird bath to flutter their wings and have a bath.  It so reminded me of the Bible scripture already quoted.  I love watching how carefree they seem to be. 

Seems that our world has been turned upside down. So many distractions that grab our attention and cause us to be anxious and worried.  At times it is so difficult to keep our mind and heart on the blessed promises of God. Yet, that is exactly what we must do if we are going to experience the peace that the Lord Jesus promises. John 16:33 says, “I have said these things to you, that in Me (Jesus) you may have peace.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16 states, “Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at ALL times in every way.”

“Why would you worry about your clothing? Look at all the beautiful flowers in the fields. They don’t work or toil, and yet not even Solomon in all his splendor was robed in beauty like these! So, forsake your worries! Why would you say? What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we wear?  Doesn’t your Father in heaven already know the things you need?” Matthew 6:28 & 31-33.

We must learn to live out of every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God! He has given to us His love letter, the Bible, read it, obey it, but even more, draw close to the Lord and He WILL draw close to you. Commit yourself unto the Lord, trust in Him, yield to Him all that you are and all that you have. Spend time just loving on the Lord and let Him love on you. Be filled with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will experience the peace that He promised.  It is your birthright as His precious child.




“Pray, then, in this way…”  Matthew 6:9a

Just as a fountain never rises higher than its head, so a Christian never rises any higher than his or her prayer life!  Many years ago, S. D. Gordon in his book, Quiet Talks on Prayer, wrote, “A Christian has much to do after he has prayed, but he is not ready to do anything until he has prayed!”  The first time our Lord Jesus taught on the subject of prayer in His earthly ministry was in a part of what has become known as The Sermon on the Mount.  Sometime this portion is referred to as The Lord’s Prayer.  It is well to look at it as a model for a life of prayer, rather than an individual prayer.

The Lord not only instructs us how to pray, but first and foremost to be about praying!  Not if we pray, but when we pray!  Then He teaches us that the twofold purpose for prayer is first for the glory of our heavenly Father (vv 9b-10), and secondly for the good of His earthly family (vv 11-13).  Notice that Jesus introduces the term Father.  This is revolutionary!  In the Old Testament that term is not used.  God is referred to as holy, high and exalted.  Now Jesus tells us to understand that God is also our Father!  Prayer is primarily for obtaining something for our Father.  First of all reverence (Hallowed, revered, respected, feared).  Secondly, the advancing of His Kingdom.  As it was always Jesus’s ambition, so it is to be ours!  Thirdly, we should seek the will of our Father in heaven be done on the earth.  That brings up an interesting aspect…The will of God is always being done in heaven!  The idea is that when we pray about something, or someone, we need to find out what is happening in heaven in relation to that person, or situation, and pray that the heavenly Will will be done here on earth!

Prayer is secondarily for the good of the Father’s family.  Firstly, our provision (v 11). Secondly, our pardon (v 12).  Also, note the relation between our forgiving others, and the Lord forgiving us (vv 14-15).  It is possible to be in relation to God by faith in Christ, but be out of fellowship with him by refusing to forgive as we have been forgiven!  Thirdly, our protection (v 13).  Prayer is the Lord’s means whereby we as God’s children seek our heavenly Father’s glory and His family’s good.

I am reminded of a story I once read about ancient Rome.  After a great victory that was significant to Rome, there was a great celebration in the city, known as a Triumph.  When the battle was close to the city, the Emperor went to the battlefield to accept the surrender of the enemy.  Then there was a parade in the city of Rome with the Emperor riding on a gold chariot pulled by two white horses.  Surrounding the chariot was the Praetorian Guard, authorized to guard the Emperor up to cost of their personal lives.  As the parade passed through the city, suddenly a young boy broke from the crowd approaching the Emperor’s chariot.  The nearest guard drew his sword, telling the boy not to approach the Emperor.  The boy replied, “He’s your Emperor; He’s my Father!”  Jesus Christ is the Emperor of all the universe, and if you have put your faith in Him as Savior and Lord, God is your Father as well!  If you have not, you can put your faith in Christ right now!

Jon Moore


Bible definition of Courage:   The Hebrew word meaning, is to show oneself as strong.  We do not have to have a grin and bear it attitude.  Those that are God’s should fear not! The ideal for the Christian is based on the presence of Christ in our life.

Truly, today we can name many things in our life that can cause us to be fearful instead of being courageous.! Some 114 times the word COURAGE, COURAGOUS, OR COURAGOUSLY is used in the Bible.  It is meaningful when the Bible states something one time, but when it says something that many time the Lord is trying to get our attention.  Do you think the Lord would have told us to do something and not empower His precious children to do what He said?   OF COURSE NOT! The point of the Father sending His only Son to come to earth and die on a cruel cross was not only to get us to heaven when we die, but for us to have His resurrected Life to live in us and though us on this earth.

In the past few days, I have watched the news on TV and seen courage displayed in the face of overwhelming odds. Fighting against fear for my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren in the world’s unstable condition, I once again went to the Bible scriptures for reminders of my Sovereign Father, God. READ aloud just a few of the 114 verses and BE REMINDED!

Deuteronomy 31:6: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God goes with you, and will never leave you or forsake you.”

1 Corinthians 16:13: “Be on your guard; stand firm in your faith; be courageous; be strong.”

Psalm 31:24: “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”

Isaiah 41:10: “So do not fear. For I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

2 Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us the spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.”





“No one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison.  With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse (revile) men, who have been made in the likeness of God; From the same mouth come both blessing and cursing.  My brethren, these things ought not to be this way.”  James 3:8-10 NASB

One of God’s greatest gifts to mankind is the gift of speech.  With it we pray, sing praises to the Lord, teach and preach the Bible and share the gospel message with those who are without Christ!  Yet, the Bible teaches, and our personal experience confirms, that the most difficult member of our body to control is the tongue!  One of the most practical books in the New Testament is the book of James.  In chapter 3:1-12 James points out three distinct powers of the tongue.  One is the power of direction.  He uses two analogies to illustrate (vv2-4).  First is the horse (on which usually one rides) into which’s mouth a “bit” is placed.  The pulling on the bit to one side or the other determines which way the horse turns.  The second analogy is that of a great ship (on which many usually ride).  As the ship’s rudder is turned the ship turns that direction.  The application is our tongue can not only dictate the direction of our personal life, but also have an influence on others as well!

The second power of one’s tongue is that of destruction!  Once again, James uses analogies to make his point (vv5-8). One is that of a grass fire.  Grass fires can be both wild and unruly.  One small match can unleash a magnitude of destruction, as well as getting quickly “out of hand”!  And all kinds of animals can be tamed by man, but not so the tongue!  Unfortunately, the rest of our body seems to follow wherever our tongue leads!  The tongue has the power to destroy a person, a family or a church.  No worse example can be found than that of the infamous Adolph Hitler.  He wrote an autobiography tens of thousands of words long of his life, entitled “Mein Kampf.”  It has been noted by researchers that for every word in his autobiography, 125 people were killed in World War II!

Finally, the third power of the tongue is the power of distortion, perhaps the most sinister and subtle of its powers.  If we are not watchful, even believers can be drawn into confessions and conclusions that are clearly outside of Truth (vv9-12)!  In such a place we both bless our Lord and Father, while at the same time revile men who have been made in the likeness of God!  Rightly, James exclaims, “These things ought not to be this way!”  When interviewed by Robert Frost concerning the Watergate break-in and the recorded tapes of President Nixon’s x-rated comments, the reverend Dr. Billy Graham stated, “The words were in his heart, or they never would have come from his lips!”  Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart a man speaks.” (Matthew 12:34)

As Christians, we need to make it our business to spend more time with those who encourage us in the things of God and less time with those who criticize, condemn and divide!

Jon Moore