“…What mean these stones…” Joshua 4:21-24
In September, 1904 Seth Joshua spoke at a Bible School where Evan Roberts had recently enrolled. In a service at a nearby church the evangelist had preached on the need for God to bend us, and Evan Roberts prayed passionately, “O God, bend me”!
Evan Roberts asked for and received permission to return to his home village with “a message from God”. It was a four point message he would deliver all over the country of Wales. 1) Confess every known sin, and put any wrong done to man right. 2) Put away every doubtful habit. 3) Obey the Spirit promptly. 4) Confess your faith publicly.
On October 31, 1904 Roberts preached this message in his home church, Moriah Chapel. A revival began that would eventually sweep the entire country. In 5 months time over 100,000 souls were added to the roles of the churches, most of whom were between the ages of 18 and 45!
The illegitimate birth rate dropped 44% within a year. Drunkenness was cut in half, and there was a wave of bankruptcies, mostly in taverns. Judges were presented with white gloves as there were no major crimes to try. Police were questioned how they spent their time. There was a slowdown in the mines, but not due to a strike. Ponies no longer understood the language of the newly converted miners!
When I started reading about the great Spiritual Awakenings, I had never heard or read of such things, and I suspect that many people in churches today have not either. It has been over 100 years since we last had a nationwide revival in America, and it seems to me there is a great need to make stories like this known to this generation. It is hard to miss what one has never had!
Jon Moore
Great reminder if. Might God who can change hearts and lives!! We must bs ready to hear and follow!!!!
When I look at all the churches to whom you minister, It bothers me that I don’t see many large prominent churches there. Maybe out next spiritual awakening will start in the smaller churches where people might be more sensitive to God’s word. Just let it happen!
We could have used you eschatological insight this morning. I got to teach for Dick this morning for Luke 17:20-37 on the 2nd Coming.
Blessings to you and Phyllis, Knox
This is an amazing testimony of Revival and how we need it again in America! God has NOT changed He can do it again! Lord give our pastors courage to preach and DO what Evan Roberts preached and did in 1904! Lord do it again!