Mathew 11:28-30 “Come unto Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you REST. I will ease and refresh your soul. Take My YOKE upon you and learn of Me for I am gentle, (meek) and humble and you will find REST for your souls. For my YOKE is wholesome, good, and not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but is comfortable, gracious, and pleasant. My burden is light and easy to be borne.”
I have heard many say that life has become so crazy and seemingly out of control. Everything is turned upside down with so many burdens. How can we have REST in all this?
Bible REST is by definition when one ceases to be agitated or disturbed but finds peace and a place of quietness. The Bible speaks of REST some 71 times. Jesus says, “Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you REST.” We seem to think we can find rest in drugs, alcohol, self-help books and just about everything but Jesus. In the eyes of our heavenly Father, resting is an imperative, not now and then, but on a regular basis. We must learn that rest is simply taking God at His Word. If this is not so, why would He put it in the Bible so many times. Everything that the Father commands, the Holy Spirit is there to provide the power.
Matthew also speaks of being “yoked” in this verse with Jesus. “My yoke is easy.”
When a farmer would put oxen in a yoke, a younger ox was always fitted in one side with an older wiser one on the other side. The older, wiser would teach the younger by helping guide him in the right direction. Matthew is saying that we are to be yoked with Jesus, the One Who teaches and guides, pulling in the same direction and helping to carry the load. We no longer have to be agitated and disturbed over things.
I heard a song Rest For The Soul this morning by Austin French that speaks so well of this verse. These are the words in part:
Are you tired and troubled? Weighed down with a heavy load? Praying for change, searching for faith. Waiting for a miracle. Are you drowning in questions? Can’t believe where the road has led. There is One who knows, the heavy load and He says, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy burdened. All who are hurting, come to Me. I’ll be your shelter. My yoke is easy, my load is light, and you will find Rest for your soul. Rest for your soul.”
You were never meant to carry that weight alone. You were never meant to carry it on your own. Come to the cross, lay it at the feet of Jesus, lay it at the feet of Jesus. There is One who knows the heavy load, and He says, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy burdened. All who are hurting, come to Me. I’ll be your shelter. My yoke is easy, my load is light, and you will find rest for your soul. Rest for your soul.”