“If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name……. turn from THEIR wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive THEIR sin and will heal THEIR land.” 2nd Chronicles 7:13,14a, c
There is little doubt as to the desperate need for change in America. There does seem to be no small mount of confusion about who is to do the changing, and why! However, the Bible makes it abundantly clear that it is specifically to His people that the Lord looks to be the prime movers of this needed change. Long ago the Lord spoke to the young Hebrew King, Solomon and told him there are ways that God can put into motion that if His people are paying attention, these acts will serve as a call to them for a need for radical change. In recent years the world has witnessed not only an accelerated lack of reverence (respect) for God, but an open defiance of the Lord, and the things of God! This has been accompanied by economic catastrophe and deadly sicknesses. It would seem to be obvious!
The Lord laid down four conditions for returning to a right relationship and fellowship with Him. The first condition is the Lord’s people must humble ourselves. I dealt with this condition two months ago in the June article. If you missed it, scroll up and read “THE FORSAKEN FACTOR IN REVIVAL!” Today I want to deal with the fourth and final condition for revival…“If My people who are called by My name…TURN from THEIR wicked ways,…”
Some Believers have a hard time seeing any of their ways as “wicked.” The Hebrew word in this verse translated “wicked” literally means “deviation from the right way.” A one degree error in an airplane’s compass, if uncorrected will result in the airplane being one mile off course for every sixty air miles travelled. If you fly 300 miles, when you land you will miss the runway by five miles!!! ANY WAY that deviates from the right way is a wicked way! Do you have any idols in your life? Keep in mind that an idol is anything or anyone that substitutes for God! Anything or anyone in your life that ever takes priority over God and His will for your life is an idol!
The Hebrew word translated “way” in this verse means “trodden path.” Have you ever lived in a house on a street corner? Did people ever take a “shortcut” across your yard? Over and Over again? Did it create a “trodden path” in your yard? Do you have any “trodden paths” in your life? Sometimes we have done things a certain way for such a long time, they become trodden paths. If they are ways that displease the Lord, they are deviations from the right way!
A young deacon on the Isle of Lewis in the Hebrides Islands back in 1949 had prayed with fellow deacons for many nights for the coming of revival. One night his praying took a turn. He began to pray, “Are MY hands clean? Is My heart pure?” Then came conviction, followed by confession and cleansing, followed by more following his example.
Then came mighty revival! Someone needs to lead the way! It is time to turn.
Jon Moore